Vom Leibwächter Dobermanns 

 Purchase Agreement 

I have several purchase agreements to fit the intended home (pet, show, sport, performance, co-own). All homes agree to: 

  • Have their Doberman checked by a veterinarian within 4 business days of obtaining their Doberman 
  • Provide appropriate vet care
  • Provide adequate food, water, shelter, and mental/physical stimulation 
  • Keep their Doberman intact until physical maturity (18-24 months) 
  • Provide proper containment, to prevent their pet from roaming the streets and prevent accidental or indiscriminate breeding 
  • To return their Doberman to me, the breeder, if they are unable to keep it at any time and for any reason 
  • To never place their Doberman in a shelter, pet store, research facility, commercial kennel, or other similar facilities